Welcome to HM Agencies
South Australia’s Wholesale Sales Agency
If you’re a retailer in SA looking for wholesale suppliers then I’m the go-to one stop shop to assist! My curated brands include
- Gifts & Stationery
- Baby & Toys
- Jewellery
- Fashion Accessories
- Christmas and more
I’ll bring a trade fair into your shop and expose you to new and exciting brands along with the expanding ranges of your favourites.
Thank you for supporting my small business. Contact me direct for your supplies to ensure exclusivity in your area.
Top selling brands that customers love

About HM Agencies
Hi, I’m Heather Montgomery, the founder of HM Agencies. I love constantly discovering new giftware and bringing it to my retailers in South Australia.
I’ll bring a trade fair into your shop and expose you to new and exciting brands along with the expanding ranges of your favourites.
I welcome the opportunity to meet, showcase my brands, and discuss either in person, by phone, zoom, facetime or any way that works for you – my customer!
If you’re a retailer in SA looking for wholesale suppliers then I’m the go-to one stop shop to assist! My curated brands include gifts, stationery, baby, toys, jewellery, fashion accessories, Christmas and more.
I regularly visit shops in metropolitan Adelaide and connect with regional and country areas throughout the year. Please feel free to call me to find out when I am next in your area.
View our latest products on Instagram
Get in touch
Heather Montgomery